Articles tagged with: indigenous people
Amazon River Ecosystem and Biodiversity

The Amazon River is the greatest river of South America and its biodiversity the richest of any river in the world. Its waters are populated by 2,500 different species of fish, scientists believe that there are many more that have not been identified yet. Mammals, amphibians and water snakes also call the Amazon River home. The river has been a source of protein for the local population for thousands of years and a source of fresh water.
The rubber boom

From the 1890s to the 1920s rubber from the was in high demand, it was used to produce tires for automobiles, waterproof shoes and clothes.
Rubber tree
Foreign companies settled in …
Peru’s Forest Indians

Indians living in the forest were less affected by the Spanish conquerors than the Andean Indians. Spanish missionaries reached the area later in the eighteenth century but the real clash …
Saving Peru’s Ecosystems and Biodiversity

It is important for the world and for the enjoyment of future generations to preserve Peru’s ecosystems and biodiversity. Peru has a wide range of ecosystems because of its great …
Relatives of the Camel

Llamas are relatives of the camel family. Ancient people living in the Andes tamed llamas about 5,000 years ago, since then they have become important animals in Peru. The llamas had an important place in the Inca culture, they were used as transportation, their wool was used for clothing and blankets and their meat for food. Local indigenous people use them the same way as the Incas did.