Articles tagged with: Pre-Inca Civilization
Inca Textile and Clothing

Ancient Andean weaving developed by and inherited and perfected by the is considered as one of the greatest textile in the world and is compared to finest textile …
Pre-Inca Civilizations

There were many pre-Columbian cultures that preceded the , some by millenia. What we know of these pre-Inca civilizations is entirely from archeological excavations since they did not make use …
Late Intermediate Period – Chimu and Chincha Cultures

The Late Intermediate Period extends from approximately 1000 to 1470. This period is characterized for the rapid artistic and technological development of its metallurgic and crafts production. In their craft …
Middle Horizon-Wari,Tiwanaku and Lambayeque Cultures

The Middle Horizon period extends from approximately 600 to 1000. were debilitated possibly by the effects of El Niño. As a result new cultures took over and flourished creating the …
The Inca Empire

The Inca Empire flourished in the South American continent from 1438 until the Spanish arrived in the continent in 1533. From around 1200 to 1438 the Incas were considered a …
Pre-Ceramic and Initial Periods-Norte Chico and Kotosh Cultures

Long before existed people thrived in this territory. About 16,000 years ago groups of people are believed to have crossed the Bering Strait from Asia and survived as nomads, …
Early Horizon-Chavin, Paracas and Lima Cultures

Early Horizon – 800 – 200 BCE
Chavin: Great Astronomers
More than 3000 years ago an important civilization took place in Chavin de Huantar, southeast of the . It stretched through the …
Early Intermediate Period-Nazca and Moche Cultures

Cultures thriving in this period date from approximately 200BCE to 600CE. Significant technological development took place in metalworking, pottery and irrigation systems. The two largest and most important cultures in …