Article Archive for October 2010
Late Intermediate Period – Chimu and Chincha Cultures
The Late Intermediate Period extends from approximately 1000 to 1470. This period is characterized for the rapid artistic and technological development of its metallurgic and crafts production. In their craft …
Middle Horizon-Wari,Tiwanaku and Lambayeque Cultures
The Middle Horizon period extends from approximately 600 to 1000. were debilitated possibly by the effects of El Niño. As a result new cultures took over and flourished creating the …
War of Independence
The economic crises, the loss of power of Spain in Europe, the war of independence in North America and native uprisings all contributed to a favorable climate to the development …
Tupac Amaru-Inca Renaissance
The eighteenth century brought the recovery of the local native population that saw its numbers plunge from disease during the . Some curacas achieved important social and economic positions in …
New reforms
At the beginning of the eighteenth century there was a change of dynasties in the Spanish Crown after the last Habsburg King of Spain, Charles II, left the throne to …